People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They’ve Ever Encountered

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They’ve Ever Encountered

Most tourists are well-behaved and respectful. But try telling that to someone who lives or works in a major destination. The sad truth is that it’s the bad ones who stand out — the loud tour group, the guy who yells about how much better his country is, the ones who maybe have a few too many wobbly pops.

Below, people from all around the world share the most annoying tourists they’ve ever encountered. Don’t worry; I’m sure they’re not talking about you.

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Ales Krivec from Pixabay

22. You Must Have Great Vision

I live on the California coast, and they were American but definitely not from California. They asked if that “island” they could see in the distance was Hawaii.

It was just the headlands on the other side of the bay, made to look like an island by low fog. But apparently this question is not rare.

No sir, Hawaii would be 2,000 miles that way.

I’ve always put dumb questions like this down to geographical compression: everything distant from you in the same direction is immediately adjacent to each other.

Like the people who think you can drive from SF to LA in an hour or two. Or, from the western viewpoint, that NYC and Boston are practically neighbors.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
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21. Children Of The Korn

I had only been in Iceland for a few hours and was on a full bus heading to the epic Blue Lagoon spa. In front of me was a Russian couple; in front of them, two young Icelandic women.

You could take one look at this Russian guy and tell that he was trouble; he radiated creep vibes.

He pulls out his cell phone and at maximum volume begins playing Korn and other death metal-style music. This was before smartphones became ubiquitous, so the low-quality sound emitted from the cheap cell phone was extra obnoxious.

He was revelling in delight listening to his music, making the occasional “Oh yeah, this is awesome!” head bops and glances towards his partner sitting next to him.

She looked mortified but didn’t dare say a word.

The two Icelandic women became annoyed and asked politely for him to turn down the music.

He pretended they didn’t exist. The women became more and more insistent, reaching over their seats to forcefully tell him to stop. He shook his head “no”.

At that point I lost it and yelled really loud, “Turn off your [bleeping] phone”!

Time stood still.

He turned to give me a look of death, but to my surprise, he turned the music off.

When existing the bus I caught a glimpse of the Icelandic women; they flashed me a smile that said:

high five, team effort!

Jason Behrmann

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Carol Colman from Pixabay

20. For The Birds

I was in a cafe off the Piazza in Venice when a family of British tourists caused an incident. My family was eating at one table, theirs at another (it’s not relevant here, but they were all wearing identical Euro Disney Goofy hats).

They were throwing bits of bread to the pigeons.

Pigeons on the Piazza San Marco are quite a thing to have to deal with, and the cafes have strict rules about feeding them.

Vendors selling bird seed further toward the center of the square have taught the pigeons that presence of humans plus the presence of food equals pigeons getting food, so the birds are very bold near the open-air cafes.

It’s a constant battle to keep them from hopping and flying right on in.

The waiter came out and asked, very nicely, in perfect English, if they could please stop.

They stared at him as if they didn’t understand a word he said, and went back to tossing bread as soon as he left.

Pigeons got closer and closer. Patrons looked down, startled, as they felt birds around their ankles. Others tried to shoo them off tables and chairs.

The waiter tried again, a couple more times if I remember correctly. I know the family were English speakers, because they spoke to one another every time he left.

They just chose to ignore him, and you could see he was getting very frustrated. At the time I got the feeling that he didn’t want to make a big deal and kick them out because the family had children.

Each time, they stared at him blankly, but then kept tossing. I guess seeing the pigeons go after the bread was just too much fun for them to stop.

I believe at one point the waiter actually took away the bread, but the children found little rolled bits they’d dropped on their chairs and clothes and kept going.

Long story short, from there it was a very short jump to the patio being swarmed with pigeons, who perched on the tables and ruined the place settings.

Spoiled the meal for everyone, especially that poor waiter.

Amorette Dye

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
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19. Picking On The Poor

My husband and I traveled to Vietnam for our honeymoon, but we also traveled to various cities in the northern half of the country while there.

It was in Hanoi of all places where I witnessed something so wicked and horrible that I will never forget. We were enjoying drinks outside one of the city’s little cafes/ Basically, you sit around on little plastic chairs (like the ones from elementary school) in front of a restaurant or bar and drink until it’s gone. It’s SUPER cheap. Like, 30–50 cents a pint cheap.

It was at one of these corners that I saw a group of lads from the UK.

They were probably in their early 20s and they were going out of their way to be obnoxious. They flagged down a guy walking by selling fans, bracelets, and other trinkets.

The ringleader of the British guys picked up almost everything the guy was selling like he was interested in buying, then laughed and rudely shooed him away.

The vendor didn’t leave immediately and tried to encourage a purchase, and the guy replied with a raised voice, “I don’t want any of this crap and I told you to leave! Go”! They all laughed and then another one loudly screamed for the waitress to come over and serve them more drinks.

Their next victim was a very old woman selling bread and croissants and other pastries and baked goods.

They waved her over and asked her how much it was for a croissant.

She named a price — about the equivalent of fifty cents. “That’s outrageous”! the ringleader yelled. “You really think you can charge us that much”? His friends snickered while she lowered the price by a few cents and the guy continued harassing her.

“What do you think we are? You think I want to give you that much money for this? I’ll give you [the equivalent of ten cents] so take it or leave it”.

He then proceeded to take out his wallet, withdraw several large bills, flipped through them as if he was counting them.

He stuffed them back into his wallet, then turned to the woman and said, “What are you still doing here? I don’t want this — go away”.

I just about had to pick my jaw up off the sidewalk.

The guy has more money than she will probably see in a year and he’s still trying to haggle with her and rip her off. I was incredulous that I had actually just witnessed this!

We left shortly thereafter because I couldn’t take watching him anymore.

Casey Harrington

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Ngo Tuan Anh from Pixabay

18. I Want My [Bleeping] Respect!

I was in Italy, at the Roman Pantheon. This dude in a NASCAR cap with a power mullet and wearing all denim was shouting at a small Italian gentleman, demanding to know where the “[bleeping] bathrooms” are.

I am the type of tourist who tries as hard as possible to fit in and not stick out (any more than a 6’3 220lb guy does in most parts of the world).

Nevertheless, my friend and I step in between him and the visibly shaken Italian guy and ask mullet man to chill out. He starts yelling at us and asking why the tour guides don’t speak any “[bleeping] english” and why they don’t have any “respect” for him.

I gave up and melted back in to the crowd.

Everyone was just watching this guy have a meltdown until eventually the Police came and escorted him out of the building for yelling at another tour guide.

It was ridiculous. Never before did I feel more embarrassed to be an American tourist.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Kirk Fisher from Pixabay

17. Close Call There

Late at night, I was sitting at a monument on Las Ramblas in the heart of the tourist district of Barcelona.

In the distance I saw this huge Scandinavian guy stumbling down the boulevard with an anxiety-riddled friend that was desperately trying to lead him down the street.

The big guy was out of his mind.

“Come on, come on! Let’s go, move it, move it! We got to go back to the hotel”! his friend kept repeating.

The big guy was constantly distracted and would yell random, aggressive epithets at people passing by. We suddenly made eye contact and he started running toward me.

I knew there was about to be a messy altercation.

But when he was a few feet in front of me, two cops came out of nowhere and surrounded the two men.

In broken English, they explained that the big guy was under arrest. The tourists began to protest, saying there was no problem and they were on their way home.

Suddenly, two young men ran up to join the group; one was covered in splotches of ketchup and bits of food.

In Spanish (or was it Catalan)?

, the young men explained that this was the guy the police were looking for. They had called the police to report a random stranger had physically assaulted them for no reason; in addition to a punch in the face, the big guy had thrown the young man’s after-bar snack of french fries all over him.

After a ridiculous attempt to discredit the two young men, and a distasteful refusal to comply with the police — claiming they could not understand the cops’ English, so their arrest was thus “unlawful” — the big guy was handcuffed and lead away.

I was still seated while watching this drama transpire before my eyes.

I felt an immense sense of devilish satisfaction watching this ill-behaved tourist get hauled off to jail. Also relief that I wouldn’t have to fight him.

Jason Behrmann

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by katerina zhang from Pixabay

16. Almost Lifelike

When I visited Italy, I took a tour of Pompeii. There are wild dogs living all over the city. Also, many people (unless you’ve visited) don’t know that all of the preserved bodies are relocated to one place; they aren’t still strewn about the city.

So anyway, our tour group was walking through a house and the roof had collapsed in part so the sun was streaming in through the middle.

There was a wild dog napping in the sunlight (an obviously alive and breathing real-life dog). This super unfortunately-stereotypically dumb tourist woman excitedly tapped her husband on the shoulder and said, “Hun!

Look! That dog is so well preserved you can still see its fur”!


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Graham Hobster from Pixabay

15. Bus-ted

This happened just a few days ago in Bangalore, India.

If anyone is familiar with the bus system in Bangalore, you would know that there are certain seats in the front of the bus which are reserved for women.

There was an American couple sitting in two of the ‘ladies’ seats. When they first sat down, nobody really asked the guy to get up even though there were many women standing.

Soon, a pregnant woman entered the bus and asked the guy to give up his seat since he was sitting on a seat reserved for women.

We were all shocked to see him blatantly refusing. Finally, he got up only when the conductor threatened to throw him out of the bus.

Trust me. If it had been an Indian man, he wouldn’t dare to fight so much with the conductor.

That’s when it started.

The woman started abusing India and Indians. She even went as far as to call us “uncultured dirty idiots who can’t speak English”. After five minutes of her shouting about how Americans were so much better than us, the bus driver calmly stopped the bus on the side of the road, went up to her and told her in perfect English:

” You have one minute to get out of the bus or I will throw you out myself”. I guess she was quite scared because she and her friend got out immediately.

And these are the kind of people who go back to their home country and tell others about how we Indians mistreat our tourists.

Varsha Menon

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14. What Country Do You Think You’re In?

A coworker and I climbed into a natural hot spring in the Rockies of British Columbia, Canada, on our way back to the hotel after a day working in the bush.

We were grimy, exhausted, and a wee bit grumpy.

There were already two couples there, one British and one American. The Brits looked totally respectable, in modest swimsuits.

The Americans… not so much. They were obviously in street clothes; she was wearing a white blouse, wet of course, with every detail of a bright purple lace bra (and what was under it) showing through.

I never saw the details of her bottom half since the blouse was long and swirling about in the current.

She was telling everyone how she and her husband had been driving around looking for private hot springs to “make LUUUV” in (while rubbing her groin), and she just couldn’t understand why on earth were they all so public. Why were there so many tourists?

Shortly thereafter, the British couple (who were lovely to chat to), got up to leave. So the American woman said, “Goodbye! And welcome to America!


While I can’t fault the sentiment, it’s time to buy a map, lady, and see that you’re actually in Canada!

Annabelle Jessop

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13. How Can You Smile?

I went to Dachau concentration camp and there were these groups of tourists posing, smiling, taking photos complete with cute little hand gestures.

I had heard one of them speaking English, so I went to him and just reminded him that people were murdered here. Maybe show a little respect.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Laura Smith from Pixabay

12. I Saw The Sign

My wife and I were in Paris at Musée d’Orsay on our honeymoon. This is the museum with the largest collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces in the world, by painters including Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Seurat, Sisley, Gauguin and Van Gogh. It is an amazing display of beauty and emotion and I was struck mute by the exhibits.

A very loud, very nasal sounding woman kept asking, “Excuse me?! Excuse me, doesn’t anyone here speak english? Hell-OOOOOO”? Of course all Parisians speak english but they smartly ignored her.

I said, “can I help you”? in my curt Chicagoan accent

“My Gawd these people are difficult! Do you know where the bathrooms are”. Again, very loud and nasal.

“That sign right behind you shows they are up the staircase,” I gestured.

“Un-freakin-belivable! I’m never coming here again,” she huffed and stomped up the staircase.

And I was never more embarrassed.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
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11. Bing Crosby

An American asked me, “Do you have Google in England”?

No, Google hasn’t installed internet pipes in England yet.

All we have is Bing.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
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10. No Place To Take A Selfie

Many years ago, my family took a vacation to Hawaii. Of course, we had to visit the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor.

You can clearly see the sunken ship and the oil still leaking to the surface. Most of the crew of the Arizona are still trapped inside the sunken ship.

There’s an entire wall with the name of every soldier killed in the Pearl Harbor attack written on plaques. It’s a very powerful experience.

It was off-season so there weren’t many people there. A group of tourists — I think they were Japanese, but I’m not really sure — stepped on the Memorial and began to celebrate. They were laughing, pointing at the sunken ship and smiling, then standing in front of the wall of dead soldiers and taking pictures.

I understand that the Pearl Harbor attack meant different things to different countries and they are free to think any way they choose about it — at home. But ultimately there are no victors in war and the fact that they were literally standing on top of hundreds of people who lost their lives in battle should have been sobering to anyone with a conscience.

I cannot imagine celebrating the death of any soldier in any war. I have been to many countries and I have never celebrated the death of anyone.

It was a shameful performance.

Kali Ashby

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Image by David Mark from Pixabay

9. How Touching

I visited the British Museum in London. They have a whole wing full of Egyptian antiquities, with signs all around in 5 different languages telling people not to touch the exhibits.


I had to leave because I was seriously losing my mind. I can only hope that the exhibits on display are replicas and they have the real deal locked up in a secure warehouse.

It was such a struggle; I just wanted to slap every single person there in the face.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Serghei Topor from Pixabay

8. Fence Hoppers

I served one year in the Norwegian Army, as a royal guard, so yes, I’ve seen and dealt with quite a few annoying tourists. In Scandinavia, the most obvious (and often the most annoying) are large groups of foreign tourists.

They tend to travel in packs, can be exceptionally loud, and often assume their privilege. Like as though they’re allowed to do whatever they want, whenever they want.

Here’s a particularly annoying incident.

I once had to confront a 40-something female tourist because she actually crossed a fence blocking off a very obviously fragile sculpture, and sat down on it to pose for pictures.

Her group of friends were all standing around laughing loudly, just a few feet from where I was standing guard. This complete disregard for the fact that the area was obviously blocked off (it literally had a waist-high fence all around it) and the complete lack of common sense… it just really got to me.

Thomas Tørrissen

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by Couleur from Pixabay

7. Nosey Parker

I have several that come to mind, but this one will always stand out.

I live and work in a very touristy destination. This area sees thousands of tourists through the summer months, and because of the size of the town, parking can be VERY hard to find.

My house is very close to town and my driveway looks inviting if you’re desperate.

I had just finished my shift on Saturday of a long weekend.

I was just sitting outside of my house, enjoying the sun in only shorts with a drink in my hand. Suddenly, someone pulled into my driveway.

I figured they were turning around to go the wrong way down the one way street (exceptionally common). Then I heard a car door open and a few people in their mid-20’s climbed out. I asked them what they were doing The driver, evidentially the “leader” and exactly the opposite of the person you want to talk to at the end of a long day, set me straight.

“We’re parking here,” he said.

I was very unhappy with that answer, but calmly explained to him that he can’t park here and he’ll have to find somewhere else. I even went as far as to recommend some spots.

“No, we tried those. We are gonna park here. But don’t worry man, we won’t be here for more than an hour or two”.

I was annoyed that he wasn’t appreciating what I was saying. I was also tired and a little bit angry that this was even happening.

So I continued to say no, that I’d get him towed, or that I’d charge him with trespassing. We got to the point where I was very near screaming at him.

Before it came to that, a good friend of mine pulled up in his truck and blocked the driveway. Not because he knows what is going on, but because the driveway was full of vehicles and he knows that anyone parked at my place would be with me and therefore not at all bothered by being blocked in.

I had a brand new deterrent and I told my antagonist, “The guy in the truck is going to have a few drinks with me. He is not going to move his truck until tomorrow afternoon unless he needs to move it in the next 5 [minutes]”. The driver promptly left with a very clear middle finger.

Matthew Joseph

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered

6. Disney Used To Be Cheap?

When my kids were little we went to Disneyland all the time. It was a few minutes from our house and not so expensive back then.

You see lots of annoying tourists at Disneyland like the people who fake a handicap so they can get to the front of the line and the families that use their baby stroller as a battering ram to get through crowds and the families that control their toddler kids with a leash.

I mean can’t you keep track of your kids?

But that is not what this answer is about.

One afternoon we went into one of the Disney restaurants in mid afternoon on a quiet day.

It was very slow and I think we and two business men at another table were the only people there.

The restaurant was quiet and so were the servers, I remember waiting a minute or two before anyone approached us.

One of the business guys got the attention of a server and loudly announced across the room “Do want us to come back when you are not so busy”? In the almost empty restaurant I must admit it was funny and not entirely undeserved.

He then loudly told her how he was representing a major restaurant chain and they were checking the place out I guess implying that someday he might own the place.

He was almost as funny as annoying.

Frank Asbury

People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by stinne24 from Pixabay

5. To Boldly Go

I live in Dillon, CO. (Think Keystone, Breckinridge, Copper Mountain ski areas). Summertime. Somehow a guy managed to get his RV onto a bike path that goes from the town up to the top of the dam.

Quite a crowd gathered to watch this simpleton, as this bike path has some really brutal switchbacks. It was actually a pretty impressive display of driving.

His excuse? ” I thought it was a road”. Come on, man. The path is only about 10 feet wide and I don’t even know how he managed to get to it.

Absolutely brilliant.


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4. Less Annoying, More Super Dangerous

At Yellowstone. I saw numerous Chinese tourists step off the boardwalk to have their picture taken next to an erupting geyser. The park rangers were yelling at them, but the tourists didn’t speak English.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay

3. Castaways

I used to work as a lifeguard at the beach. One time, three French Canadian tourists climbed onto a super cheap, thin, plastic, inflatable boat and began paddling out.

They did this when no one was on duty, early in the morning.

When we arrived at the beach to set up, a guy came up to us and said he saw them from his hotel balcony and he was concerned for their safety.

They were so far out at that point that we couldn’t even see them from the shore. Long story short, the Coast Guard had to get them.

When they were rescued, the “raft” was almost completely deflated. They were lucky they survived, since two of the three guys couldn’t swim on top of everything!


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by sebastian del val from Pixabay

2. Amish Paradise

My father and uncle took me and my brothers to an Amish farm to see how they lived. Another family there had kids our same age, 15-17ish.

The son chased two poor Amish girls with his cell phone, trying to get a selfie. When he was told to leave them alone, he complained that they had been rude because ‘everyone takes selfies’.

The daughter climbed into a pen with animals to try and pet them. When she was knocked down in the mud, her mother complained about the animals not being trained.

The father got upset that he had no reception, and began trying to go into closed buildings where visitors were not allowed. They showed no respect or understanding for a different way of life.

They were asked to leave. I was embarrassed by them, and I didn’t even know them.


People Share The Most Annoying Tourists They've Ever Encountered
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

1. R-A-T

Several years ago, my son, his fiancée and I hiked the West Coast Trail in the Pacific Rim National Park on Vancouver Island. The West Coast Trail. This is a magnificent 75 kilometre (47 miles) trail, and we had a great time during the seven days of hiking.

We arrived at the trail end around noon on the last day, thoroughly exhausted, but high on mother nature and her beauty.

We had arranged for seats on a shuttle bus which would take us from the north trail end near Bamfield back to Port Renfrew to our car.

Did I mention how arduous the trail was and how exhausted we were?

In any event, we had our lunch, found the sign telling us where the shuttle bus would be waiting, and shouldered our packs one last time to get to the pickup point.

The bus arrived, and just as we were about to leave, we met our “really annoying tourist (r-a-t)”.

He came rushing up with his family, swearing at the shuttle driver for not picking them up at their hotel, for not having anyone tell them they would have to walk to the pickup point, for not meeting them at the park office, for not arranging for someone to carry their packs, for forcing them to stow their packs themselves in the baggage compartment, for not having seats at the front of the bus waiting for them, in short, finding fault with every thing he could, and pointing it out loudly to the driver and all the rest of us.

He and his family had spent the night at a motel in Bamfield, walked up the trial a couple of hundred metres, turned around and spent their time on the beach watching for whales and enjoying the Pacific Ocean.

Well, perhaps his family enjoyed it, our newest acquaintance was full of complaints, the gist of which was that his sense of personal entitlement had not been satisfied, that it was all someone else’s fault and that he intended to take it up with management and make sure, starting with the driver, someone was fired for this excessively calamitous turn of events.

I had the privilege of being one seat in front of the r-a-t, with his family spread out across and behind us.

Sleep was difficult. The diatribe continued. I learned considerably more about his capacity for believing in self entitlement, his incapacity for accepting personal responsibility for anything which happened to him, his belief that his children should not only emulate his behaviour, but also provide moral support for his view of the world, and many other opinions related and unrelated to the world around us.

I was able to ignore most of it, until I heard, “And that son-of-a-[bleep] in front of me has his seat leaning back against my knees and I can’t relax”.

That was one comment too many.

I turned around and said, “If you are referring to me as a son-of-a-[bleep], then it is time for you to shut up. I have been listening to you since you arrived at the shuttle, listened to you blaming everyone else for what you see as your problems, listened to your beliefs that you don’t need to take any personal responsibilities, and I’ve heard enough. Honestly:

I feel sorry for your family for having to endure your behaviour, but right now, I suggest you put a lid on it”. Or something like that; perhaps I was less diplomatic than this last paragraph would indicate.

I surprised myself. I obviously surprised him as well, because he assured me he hadn’t been addressing me and then actually shut up for the rest of the trip.

My friends applauded, my son gave me a thumbs up, and the rest of the trip was made in relative silence. At our destination, the driver thanked me and helped me with my pack.

Larry Flynn

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